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Why is musician Eric Clapton become so hated among the vaccinated? #conspiracy
Eric Clapton took the vaccine twice. Told the media that he lost feelings in his hands and it's difficult for him to play his guitar. People started identifying him as being a antivax and pro Trump. He's actually British and can't vote in American elections. The backlash against him has been horrible. He also said he didn't agree with the lockdowns and believes in freedom. Clapton also mentioned his phone rings a whole lot less and doesn't get as many text messages now that he has been out spoken against the vaccine. I really believe Clapton regrets taking it and that he is honest about his injuries. submitted by /u/Mouse1701 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Every covid death until January, was Trumps fault. Since then, every covid death is fault of the unvaccinated. #conspiracy
In other news, Ch1n4 gets auto chips, Russia gets a pipeline. The taliban get US weapons, cartels get open border, and the USA gets mandates, lockdowns, inflation, hostage crisis. submitted by /u/RDT_87 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
So Rogan and Trump both got monoclonal antibody treatment and drastically improved within 24 hours. It obviously works, so why is the media trying to force us to take that useless vaccine when there is an obvious treatment that works nearly instantly. #conspiracy
It's pretty obvious now that if you catch covid and take monoclonal antibodies, you improve within 24 hours and test totally negative within days. So there is basically a cure for covid already available, but you need to be rich or famous to get it. The normal folks all have to take some shitty vaccine that doesn't even work. submitted by /u/freq-ee [link] [comments] #conspiracy
O people of the earth… Why don’t you give ears what those people are trying to say to you… Don’t you read his binary codes about microchipping and slavery and revelation 13… Don’t you read his another binary code about the true information can be learned by time travelers and who reads bible for real only (and combine the infos together) Don’t you read the bible that the 4 beasts of Daniel and first 4 seal of Revelation are the same things Don’t you read the 4th and terrible beast of Daniel represents Gog from Magog as Russia that Kim Clement prophesied that God will slay him…(also Q messages says that Russia is our enemy) that this countdown talks about him PUTIN Don’t you read the Islamic Hadiths (satanic plan) that talks about a savior who will pray to God in front of Jesus… That Mahdi will bring ark of the covenant at the end of the days of days… To show himself he is holly from God but not Don’t you understand the people of the Quran that is why tricked that bible is changed and m
I think we need to take a minute to realize how quickly censorship became a normal part of life here in the US. #conspiracy
SS: I remember on January 6th and 7th as media and big tech began censoring Trump how important and scary it felt and how quickly it went from Trump and Qanon to any unapproved opinion. As a 40 year old American the idea of people being censored for unapproved opinions was terrifying and something I never thought I would see here. I immediately signed up for every alternative social media service that promised not to censor free speech... Now, 9 months later, I'm terrified of how this has become a normal part of life. All my favorite podcasters have to pick their words very carefully or be banned from YouTube, much of Reddit is no longer available to me (not a big loss there honestly) and everyone just seems to accept it as a normal part of life. Less than a year and censorship has become the norm in America; the land of the free and home of the first amendment. In the light of everything else (mandates and passports) happening it feels inconsequential but I think we need to tak
Troops deployed to protect 535 members of congress against unarmed Trump supporters VS Troops deployed to protect 15,000 American citizens Trapped in Afghanistan against actual terrorists #conspiracy
submitted by /u/Illustrious_Ant_1194 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
I made a mistake voting for Joe Biden. Biden is 100% evil and senile
So for some perspective, I am a 35 year old black male. My whole family and most friends are democrat. However, starting in the 2016 election I didn't like Hilary Clinton but also got a racist vibe from Donald Trump so I wrote in Bernie Sanders. I love Bernie Sanders! I actually thought the first 3 years Trump did a great job but last year he dropped the ball on race relations like with George Floyd and at a rally wouldn't denounce white supremacy. So I felt I had to vote Biden. Now that was an AWFUL decision. Trump was excellent, honest, and could think for himself. I just believe he is racist. However, Biden is erratic, obsessed with this vaccine, and doesn't know what he is doing with Afghanistan or the military. Biden is unfit for the job submitted by /u/waves-360 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
I remember when they said I was in a “cult” cause I supported Trump, but he can’t get me to “drink the koolaid”? I don’t understand how Biden got all his supporters to trust this experimental vaccine together at the same time? Very cult-like… #conspiracy
submitted by /u/Fieds62 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Trump is going on and on about how Fauci should be fired, yet he himself didn't fire Fauci and instead gave him the platform he still has today. #conspiracy
I really feel like I'm in a different timeline listening to this speech tonight. He's going on about how Biden wants to lockdown the country, yet he himself was the one who started the whole 15 days to slow the spread. He's talking about how bad Fauci is, and how he should be fired, but yet he didn't fire him, and even elevated him to the platform He's still on today. He briefly mentioned vaccine passports (for less then 30 seconds) but there wouldn't even be any vaccine passports for 3-5 years if it wasn't for Operation Warp Speed. This guy has become the same exact politician he used hate and and speak out against. submitted by /u/Owen_Stole_My_Bike [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Trump live stream: 165k viewers watching LIVE - Biden's videos: barely 20k views #conspiracy
submitted by /u/Justus443 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Fuck Biden, Fuck Trump, Fuck Obama, Fuck the Bushes, Fuck the Clintons--both parties are warmongering corporate whores. They both voted for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while committing treason with their bullshit 9/11 investigations. #conspiracy
The REAL PERPS are here in the USA--not in Afghanistan or Iraq. 9/11 was an in-house False Flag Operation designed to take us to war in the Middle East and waste our tax dollars while renriching the billionaires. The first "official" 9/11 investigation was the 9/11 Inquiry--the Bush administration asked Sen. Tom Daschle on multiple occasions NOT to investigate. In addition, the 9/11 Inquiry limited its investigation to "matters of intelligence." It was from the 9/11 Inquiry which traitor Philip Zelikow wrote his 9/11 Report outline before the 9/11 Commission ever even met. We the People have been screwed for decades now--WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! BOTH PARTIES SUCK CORPORATE COCK...both parties have raised the US National Debt to insane fucking levels...both parties are war parties. INVERTED TOTALITARIANISM is here. Confused? More on Inverted Totalitarianism: submitted by /u/SWINDLERS_USA [link] [comments] #conspiracy