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Huge data leak dubbed the 'Mother of all Breaches' sees 26 BILLION records leaked from sites including Twitter, Linkedin, and Dropbox - here's how to check if you've been affected
submitted by /u/Zooby444 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Home Brewed Invasion of the United States.
Just a few thoughts that popped into my head while watching swarms of illegals flooding over the border... I'm not a conspiracy theorist, just thought I'd jot some thoughts down... I'm sure this is chock full of inaccuracies and my misunderstanding of a lot of circumstances, but it was fun to write it all out! 😁. So here we go! Biden was taking money, but not for what we all think! The money is payment for opening up the boarder for a massive influx of foreign military forces. The bad players surrounding Biden are overly pleased to have a president who is in a diminished mental state, and is oblivious to behind the scene actions of those who are planning something beyond our comprehension! As Biden languishes on the beach and "hiding" in his basement in Delaware, a group of organizers are subtly moving illegals to certain areas where caches of weapons are stored, and further coordination, command and control are busy planning attacks on key targets through
What happend to the David Bowie eclipse prediction post? I saw it this morning and can't find it anymore.
submitted by /u/Socram007 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
It's staggering to see people openly defending the rape of a missing child because the rapist is famous.
Anthony Kiedis (singer of the Red Hot Chili peppers) raped a missing child and bragged about it in his autobiography which just got the greenlight to be made into a movie. Read any discussion about it and you will find numerous people being ok with it. What is wrong with people that they would make excuses for why it's ok? submitted by /u/Metalgrowler [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Why are we being fed all this doomsday stuff?
It’s obviously intentional - Zuckerberg building his bunker, celebs talking about solar flares, the Obama Netflix movie, etc. “They” are trying to get people to believe that there will be a black swan event i.e. war, electricity blackout, etc. But why? Why feed it to us? submitted by /u/Casscous [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Gaza daily deaths exceed all other 21st century conflicts worldwide, yet every nation (except S.Africa?) turns blind eye to current textbook case of Genocide with inaction
submitted by /u/luvdya [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Rep Paulina specified that she has been stressing that we are dealing with "Inter dimensional" entities not "Aliens" during the recent closed door Congressional Hearings.
submitted by /u/Yorkshire80 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Are we living in a simulation???
Greetings seekers of truth! 🌟 Ever pondered the cosmic connection between God and the simulation hypothesis? As someone who's opted out of conventional social media, I invite you to join me in exploring the convergence of these mind-boggling concepts. Brace yourselves for a cosmic odyssey that weaves the divine with the simulated. Here are 15 examples and 10 soul-stirring questions to fuel your contemplation: Quantum Divinity: Can the mysterious quantum realm be a divine code underlying the simulation? Deja Divinity: Are moments of deja vu glimpses into a divine script written beyond our comprehension? Mandela's Divine Design: Does the Mandela Effect hint at a divine hand shaping our collective consciousness? God as the Ultimate Programmer: Could God be the cosmic coder orchestrating the simulation? Glitches in Divine Providence: Do unexplainable phenomena challenge our understanding of divine order? Divine Precision in Mathematics: The mathematical beauty of the
Former Disney Star China McClain Exposes Hollywood and the Satanism it Glorifies
submitted by /u/Frosty_Value5767 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
The West plans to fill Ukraine with migrants after the war
This is not something I'm making up, there are many articles detailing how Ukrainian government officials are being directed by their "western partners and stakeholders" and the UN to take in 4.5 million labor migrants over the next ten years. These migrants are to be mainly from Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. They say Ukraine needs these labor migrants to help with "economic recovery", which in this case stands for GDP growth. Western investors aren't keen on investing in a country in terminal population decline because they want ROI. So in addition this means western vulture capitalists will sweep in and buy up assets and land for cheap, just like what happened in Russia in the wild 90s before Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin took charge and put an end to their racket. This is also why the Western powers hate Russia so much and have treated it like an enemy ever since, because President Putin didn't let them plunder the country and its resour
I'm just glad the Rothchilds don't worship satan or wear devil necklaces or pose with known satanic witches in front of Lucifer paintings. Because that might give the false impression that they put the occult Seal of Solomon on the Israel flag and are into black magick, releasing viruses, wars, 9/11
submitted by /u/TheForce122 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
The Event
All I know is that around 15 billionaires are building bunkers on private islands to survive “The Event”. But what IS the event? Google has amended some of it terms and conditions regarding sensitive information and material as of February (24th I think) which may or may not be related to the start of The Event. What’s your view? submitted by /u/xxtokyovanityxx [link] [comments] #conspiracy