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Follow him but take care!
$WHACKD To All the Corrupt powers within Governments
To All the Corrupt powers within Governments: I bear you personally ill will. You are merely a product of the system within which you are ensnared, You had a Chance To get Out but You Stayed - Remember there is not a single misdeed in your life that I will not uncover and make public. Doubt me at your risk. The weapon of choice for the forces of Light is the Truth. For the forces of Darkness it is lies. Truth always wins because the support structures necessary for maintaining a lie always collapse, and the Truth is it's own support. . LOADED: TRIGGERED BLACKQUT NECESSARY: Do you believe in Coincidences? When Does it Begin? When does it End. . .? As Darkness Falls- Every Lie Will Be Revealed: Power Will Be Given back to We The People You Will Enter a New World With No Order A New Beginning, At Last. . . The Whole World is Watching As the World Turns Darkness Turns To Light Awake, O Sleeper It is Time: For it is you who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my Darkness. . . N.C.S
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What happened to Antonin Scalia? Conservative Supreme Court Justice who was a thorn to Obama's Presidency #conspiracy
submitted by /u/deadlyspawn187 [link] [comments] #conspiracy