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They Aren't Even Trying To Hide It...."We Have To Deprogram Our Children" from "anti-v" Parents #conspiracy
Image This article from MSNBC should TERRIFY parents with school-age children. The media isn't even attempting to hide their agenda any longer. Direct quote: "we have to deprogram our students". From what you ask? Why, the radical Q movement, of course!! But hold on - that's not what the article is actually getting at. No one believes in Q anything. I've been down some pretty dark rabbit holes and never came across it, not once. Never met a single person in real life or online who believes it either. This is the MEDIA attempting to group some Q-nutjob conspiracy, to real Americans with real questions & genuine concerns regarding the rushed V&xx's. They want to socially shame us, bribe us, call us "anti-v&xrs". WE ARE NOT ANTI-V. Just this one! Turns out I am not the only one. The top 2 highest-ranking FDA officials resigned last week. They cited: "the Biden Administrations "rushed approa
Biden's and Harris's Instagram pages are full of comments completely against their administration. There's no way they were elected, and if they were, they definitely won't be again. #conspiracy
Have you noticed their comment sections? I'm guessing their booster bots got banned, so all the real comments are finally coming through. submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Salt707 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Totally a mistake and had nothing to do with the blistering criticism she had for Biden’s handling of the withdrawal… #conspiracy
submitted by /u/Illustrious_Ant_1194 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Facebook disabled the account of Shana Chappell, mother of slain Marine Kareem Nikoui who was killed in Kabul This was what she had to say to Biden earlier today: #conspiracy
submitted by /u/Illustrious_Ant_1194 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Biden: "I'm happy to take questions, Nance." Pelosi, thinking her mic is off: "No, we don't want him to talk." #conspiracy
Video is self-explanatory: submitted by /u/Grant112727 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Biden taking a little nap. 80 million people voted for President Nappy Nap. #conspiracy
submitted by /u/markv114 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
The 'real" Joe Biden might have been gone a long time ago. Could they all be actors or body doubles? #conspiracy
submitted by /u/stanleyThe [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Reddit loves Police Brutality now! #conspiracy
submitted by /u/DementiaBiden [link] [comments] #conspiracy
I made a mistake voting for Joe Biden. Biden is 100% evil and senile
So for some perspective, I am a 35 year old black male. My whole family and most friends are democrat. However, starting in the 2016 election I didn't like Hilary Clinton but also got a racist vibe from Donald Trump so I wrote in Bernie Sanders. I love Bernie Sanders! I actually thought the first 3 years Trump did a great job but last year he dropped the ball on race relations like with George Floyd and at a rally wouldn't denounce white supremacy. So I felt I had to vote Biden. Now that was an AWFUL decision. Trump was excellent, honest, and could think for himself. I just believe he is racist. However, Biden is erratic, obsessed with this vaccine, and doesn't know what he is doing with Afghanistan or the military. Biden is unfit for the job submitted by /u/waves-360 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
I remember when they said I was in a “cult” cause I supported Trump, but he can’t get me to “drink the koolaid”? I don’t understand how Biden got all his supporters to trust this experimental vaccine together at the same time? Very cult-like… #conspiracy
submitted by /u/Fieds62 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Anyone noticed that ever since Biden got elected, both Antifa and BLM got quieter? #conspiracy
It's almost as if certain business mogul, with vested interest in the Democratic party winning the election, provided tons of financial support for these movements. Just speculating. submitted by /u/CyndiLaupersLeftTitt [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Remember when this was a Conspiracy Theory? It’s almost like you wait for all the information before declaring something safe and effective before mass vaccinating entire populations. #conspiracy
submitted by /u/DementiaBiden [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Trump is going on and on about how Fauci should be fired, yet he himself didn't fire Fauci and instead gave him the platform he still has today. #conspiracy
I really feel like I'm in a different timeline listening to this speech tonight. He's going on about how Biden wants to lockdown the country, yet he himself was the one who started the whole 15 days to slow the spread. He's talking about how bad Fauci is, and how he should be fired, but yet he didn't fire him, and even elevated him to the platform He's still on today. He briefly mentioned vaccine passports (for less then 30 seconds) but there wouldn't even be any vaccine passports for 3-5 years if it wasn't for Operation Warp Speed. This guy has become the same exact politician he used hate and and speak out against. submitted by /u/Owen_Stole_My_Bike [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Trump live stream: 165k viewers watching LIVE - Biden's videos: barely 20k views #conspiracy
submitted by /u/Justus443 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Fuck Biden, Fuck Trump, Fuck Obama, Fuck the Bushes, Fuck the Clintons--both parties are warmongering corporate whores. They both voted for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while committing treason with their bullshit 9/11 investigations. #conspiracy
The REAL PERPS are here in the USA--not in Afghanistan or Iraq. 9/11 was an in-house False Flag Operation designed to take us to war in the Middle East and waste our tax dollars while renriching the billionaires. The first "official" 9/11 investigation was the 9/11 Inquiry--the Bush administration asked Sen. Tom Daschle on multiple occasions NOT to investigate. In addition, the 9/11 Inquiry limited its investigation to "matters of intelligence." It was from the 9/11 Inquiry which traitor Philip Zelikow wrote his 9/11 Report outline before the 9/11 Commission ever even met. We the People have been screwed for decades now--WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! BOTH PARTIES SUCK CORPORATE COCK...both parties have raised the US National Debt to insane fucking levels...both parties are war parties. INVERTED TOTALITARIANISM is here. Confused? More on Inverted Totalitarianism: submitted by /u/SWINDLERS_USA [link] [comments] #conspiracy
The teleprompter from Biden's address on Afghanistan. Our Commander-in-Chief, aka Joe Dementia, is in charge of nothing, not even his own critical faculties. #conspiracy
submitted by /u/NewestBrown [link] [comments] #conspiracy
To all of yous blaming either Trump or Biden on Afghanistan fall out : #conspiracy
submitted by /u/Joester817 [link] [comments] #conspiracy
Because he's in basement #WheresBiden
#WheresBiden Because he's in basement #WheresBiden — Dashaghchi (@dashaghchi) August 16, 2021 Video: People run on tarmac of Kabul international airport as a US military aircraft attempts to take off. — TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) August 16, 2021 Exclusive - The video shows a flight from #Kabul airport where two people are thrown from a plane into the the people's homes. #Afghanistan #Taliban — Aśvaka - آسواکا News Agency (@AsvakaNews) August 16, 2021
The Taliban takeover in Afghanistan was obviously planned. The news you are seeing is social engineering. They are manufacturing your consent for continued occupation. #conspiracy
This whole news cycle has meat for everyone. Liberal consent is being manufactured to "protect women" while assigning all blame to Bush/Cheney. Conservative consent is being manufactured because "Biden is incompetent" and all blame for failure goes to Democratic peaceniks (even though Republicans were just repeating the think-tank created political talking point about Trump being the real anti-war president and bringing home troops just months ago). Do you all really believe it was an accident that the Taliban just happened to seize a bunch of U.S. weapons caches they can use to complete their mission? While you are all playing political football, distracting yourself with who is to blame for what, both sides have failed to understand that you are actually being united by the powers that be through your disagreements. You are all being united in wanting more troops to go back in and for the United States to maintain a presence into perpetuity. Don't fall
Jesus Christ! Get this Vaccine shit out of my face. Can’t even look up fucking information about hobbies without being spammed with the Vaccine bull shit! How sad is it they have to add this in a article on Pokemon Go? Talk about disgusting shilling! #conspiracy
submitted by /u/DementiaBiden [link] [comments] #conspiracy