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This is a deep dive on how the Illuminati organization spreads it's influence across the European continent. A long and in depth expose of the machinations behind the scenes which lead to Russia falling into Communist (Frankist/Banksters hands). Giuseppe Mazzini: The Evil Genius Giuseppe Mazzini was born in 1805 in the Italian port city of Genoa, later known as Italy's "evil genius." Mazzini entered university at the age of 14; his father was a follower of Jacobin thought during the French Revolution. Under his father's influence, Mazzini became an extremely radical "revolutionary" and rose to become a prominent 33rd-degree Freemason during university. In 1830, Mazzini joined the secret organization "Carbonari" in Italy, a branch of the Freemasons. In Naples, the Rothschild family's Old Fourth Carl was a leader of several high lodges of the Carbonari, and the Illuminati controlled the Carbonari through these high lodges, issuing commands. Mazzini held a crucial secret identity. On November 18, 1830, the leader of the Illuminati, Weishaupt, passed away. Before his death, the Illuminati's organizational structure had developed considerably, featuring two departments resembling "civil" and "military." The civil department, called the "Council of Wise Men," was responsible for researching and formulating major policies and strategies. The military department, known as the "Political Action Committee," was responsible for concrete implementation. Ruthless Mazzini poisoned his predecessor (to this day, the real name of this person is unknown; he seemed to be an Italian noble or prince). In 1834 (or 1837), Mazzini became the leader of the Political Action Committee of the Illuminati, overseeing the implementation and operation of the Illuminati's action plans. Mazzini was an organized and efficient individual, swiftly advancing the Illuminati's conspiracy plans. "Evil Genius" and "Young Europe" In 1830, Mazzini was imprisoned for anti-government activities and spent some time incarcerated; upon release, he left Italy. In July 1831, Mazzini established the secret organization "Young Italy" in France, aiming to use armed uprisings to drive the entire European "revolutionary movement." Later, Mazzini, following the Illuminati's orders, established many secret "Young" organizations in Europe, such as "Young Germany," "Young Poland," "Young Greece," "Young Russia," "Young Spain," and "Young Turkey." These secret "Young" groups were peripheral organizations of the Illuminati, similar to the relationship between the Young Communist League and the Communist Party. In 1835, Engels joined "Young Germany" in Switzerland, and Marx joined during his university years. "Young Italy" was the most brutal, and the main members of "Young Turkey" came from the Sabateans' "apostate" community in Turkey. Later, Mazzini also founded "Young America" to support slavery in the southern United States. Mazzini was acquainted with Marx and remarked that in Marx's eyes, "there is no love for humanity." A deep dive that exposes who Karl Marx truly was can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/18oaeok/exposing_the_real_karl_marx_part_1/ By 1833, "Young Italy" had rapidly grown to 60,000 members and planned its first armed uprising, but it failed. Many Young Italy members involved in planning armed uprisings were arrested and executed by the police, and Mazzini was sentenced to death in absentia. In February 1834, another armed uprising planned by Mazzini also failed, leading to his exile to Switzerland. In 1834, Mazzini was tasked with establishing the transnational organization "Young Europe" in Switzerland to coordinate the youth organizations in various countries. Due to his fervent "revolutionary activities," Mazzini was expelled, and in 1837, he arrived in the United Kingdom. During the 1848 "Year of Revolutions," he first went to Paris and later returned to Italy, leading revolutionary activities. Once again, he was expelled and went into exile. Mazzini was also a leader of the Grand Orient of Freemasonry, controlling the Masonic lodges on the European continent. In March 1872, after Mazzini's death, a banker named Adriano Lemmi (1822-1896) from Italy took over Mazzini's position on September 20, 1873, responsible for the affairs and operations of the Illuminati in Europe. Lemmi, hailing from Florence, Italy, was a 33rd-degree Freemason. He had been sentenced to a year in prison for theft. A trusted assistant of Mazzini, he was mainly responsible for fundraising, acting as Mazzini's "money bag," also known as the "revolutionary banker." From 1885 onwards, he became the leader of the Grand Orient of Freemasonry. Lemmi was an extremely fervent adherent of the Satanic cult, and he passed away in 1896. Lemmi established a headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, where Lenin (1870-1924) was trained to become the leader of the Russian communist revolution. Lenin and Trotsky were responsible for implementing communism in Russia. Lenin was also an ardent follower of the Satanic cult. Once Lenin gained control of Russia, he promptly exported communist Satanism to China. It is no coincidence that the leaders of the European communist movement are followers of the Satanic cult. The modern communist movement originated from the worship of Satan by the Frankist Messiah Jacob Frank, full expose on Frankism here: Essentially, the party members of the Communist Party are descendants of the cult. Lenin's mausoleum is quite distinctive; upon examination, it was originally designed based on a Satanic cult church. After Lenin's death, his soul was believed to reside in a Satanic cult church. The First International and the Mafia are Brothers Between 1848 and 1850, after the failures of many revolutionary attempts in European countries, the overall revolutionary atmosphere dampened. Giuseppe Mazzini, who was responsible for implementing revolutionary actions in Europe, received criticism from his superiors. He became somewhat despondent, and the activities of the Communist League gradually declined. By 1851, the operations of the Communist League came to a halt. Upon the order of the Illuminati, Mazzini convened a meeting to establish the First International. He assigned his secretary, Wolff, to oversee the preparations. After preparations from 1862 to 1864, the First International was established in 1864. Karl Marx did not participate in the preparations for the First International. Wolff represented Mazzini as an important member of the First International. Although Mazzini appointed Marx as the secretary of the First International, Marx was not the actual founder. Assassination Attempts And The True Origins of the Mafia The First International, led by Marx, also planned terrorist assassination activities. On May 7, 1866, Karl Kuhn, a colleague of Marx and a member of the First International, attempted to assassinate the Prime Minister of Prussia but failed. They continued engaging in assassination activities. In 1878, after one failed assassination attempt, Marx, upon learning of the failure, erupted in anger, loudly cursing the unsuccessful assassin. Marx and the Russian anarchist Bakunin once competed for leadership of the First International. Marx ultimately emerged victorious, mainly because Marx had the support of wealthy individuals (Frankist Illuminati monopolistic capitalists/bankers). These supporters provided travel expenses for those who voted in favor of Marx, ensuring that Marx secured the majority of votes. Bakunin lacked such connections, but he quickly realized the deeper aspects behind Marxism. Bakunin said: "Marx and his followers have one foot in the bank and one foot in the revolutionary camp. Once Marxists become rulers or representatives of the people, they no longer represent the people but instead rule over them." Looking at the behavior of communist parties after taking power in various countries, Bakunin's foresight becomes evident. The infamous "Evil Genius" Mazzini lived up to his reputation. He founded and led "Young Italy," notorious for its brutality, nicknamed the "Dagger Party," causing terror. Mazzini also organized Italy's criminal network and founded the modern Mafia. The term "Mafia" is an acronym for the first letters of the Italian phrase: "Mazzini Autorizza Furti, Incendi, Avvelenamenti," meaning "Mazzini Authorizes Thefts, Arsons, and Poisonings." The Illuminati utilized the Mafia to control Italy's criminal organizations for their benefit. Revealing the true face of history, the First International and the Mafia were close relatives (the First International was, in fact, a secret criminal terrorist organization). Additionally, we know that the Communist Party and the Nazis are also brothers, with the Communist Party promoting international socialism, and the Nazis advocating national socialism. The Paris Commune (Second Paris Commune) from March 18 to May 28, 1871, was almost a replica of the Paris Revolutionary Commune (First Paris Commune) during the period of the Jacobin terror regime (1792-1794). Later, the Communist Party praised the Paris Commune of 1871, considering it a validation of the correctness of Marxist theory. Another reason was that many of its leading members were members of the First International. Bakunin claimed that the Paris Commune was spontaneous and anarchistic. Pushing Communism in Russia Before Adriano Lemmi trained Lenin to become the leader of the Russian Communist Revolution, the Illuminati had already dispatched Moses Hess, a senior member of the Communist League, to work in Russia. Rabbi Marvin Antelman of Judaism mentioned in his book that, to divert people's attention, Hess pretended to have a falling out with Marx and Engels while secretly engaging in extremely secretive and crucial activities. He promoted secular Zionism (Orthodox Judaism believes in religious Zionism rather than secular Zionism) and communism in Russia. The codename for Hess's promotion of the Russian Communist project was "Alexander." Antelman stated that Hess's great-grandfather was a secret Sabbatean follower. In 1798, when Germany's Cologne reopened to Jews, Hess's family settled there. At that time, Cologne in Germany, Trier (Marx's birthplace), Bonn (Hess's birthplace), and Mainz were all hotbeds of the Illuminati. Hess's family had deep roots in Sabbateanism, making it natural for him to become a Frankist. His family was wealthy, living a dissolute Frankist lifestyle. Marx's grandfather was a rabbi of Orthodox Judaism, and his father was influenced by Frankism in his youth. Marx's father-in-law was also a secret Frankist. When Jacob Frank (the founder of Frankism) was under house arrest in a Polish monastery, he sent messengers to contact Russia to assist the Tsar in overthrowing the Polish government. He also spread rumors that his daughter was the illegitimate child of the Russian Empress. After the establishment of the Illuminati, a plan for a world revolution was formulated, with Russia and China being essential components. The Asiatic Brotherhood Activities to promote the Russian Revolution began shortly after the establishment of the Illuminati. Initially, members of the Illuminati from France catalyzed many radical individuals and secret societies in Russia, especially in the southern regions, through the secret society "Asiatic Brotherhood" in Vienna, Austria. The "Asiatic Brotherhood" is a well-known Masonic lodge established between 1780 and 1781, based on Sabbatean-Frankist beliefs, with lodges in cities such as Prague, Berlin, Vienna, Frankfurt, and Hamburg. The Vienna lodge of the "Asiatic Brotherhood" was established by Frank's cousin in 1782 (the second son of Frank's cousin). It was one of the four lodges of the Illuminati in Vienna, and its members were Sabbatean-Frankist believers and a gathering place for Frankist believers in Vienna. The Rothschild family's steward was a member of the "Asiatic Brotherhood," and one of Rothschild's sons was also briefly a member. Frank's cousin was a Frankist believer and a member of the Illuminati. He was a banker and was later killed during the French Revolution. They had a branch in Moscow, communicated with each other, and directly contacted Weishaupt himself. This illustrates Weishaupt's importance attached to the Russian Communist Revolution. In December 1825, these secret revolutionary societies derived from the Illuminati attempted to launch a revolution but failed (known as the "Decembrist Revolt"). The "December Revolution" had a definite connection to the Jacobins. While these secret revolutionary societies were active in Russia, the Justifiers' Alliance also took action and sent their highly trusted member Hess to engage in this project. To divert attention, they staged a false split between Marx and Hess. Project 'Alexander' "Alexander" was the project name for the Illuminati's overthrow of the Russian Tsar, symbolizing the world government ruling humanity. "Alexander" referred to Alexander the Great of ancient Greece, who had ambitions to dominate the world and establish a world government. In Islamic scripture, the Qur'an, it is mentioned that Alexander the Great locked up two barbarian nations, Gog and Magog, behind iron and copper walls. In the future, he would release them, causing widespread chaos in the world, thus achieving his goal. The Illuminati took on the role of Alexander the Great, aiming to establish a world government, with Germany and Russia (the Soviet Union) playing the roles of the "two barbarian nations" in the West, and China and Japan in the East. Subsequent world history seemed to confirm this: in Europe, Germany and Russia (the Soviet Union) became opponents; in Asia, China and Japan became rivals. Conflicts between Germany and the Soviet Union (Russia) in the later First and Second World Wars; the Sino-Japanese War, Japan's invasion of China during the Second World War, and so on. All of this does not seem to be coincidental. Dr. Marvin S. Antelman Provides Strong Evidence of the Rothschild Family's Direct Involvement in the "Alexander" Project. This project aimed to overthrow the Russian Tsar, promote communism, and establish the so-called "Communist Happy Family" (i.e., world government). Senior member of the Communist League, Moses Hess, believed that "communism is a perfect lie spread for destruction." The "Communist Happy Family" was, in reality, a hell on Earth. Frankist Bankers Funding the October Revolution Lenin often stated that the Bolsheviks were the modern Jacobins. Sabbatean-Frankist bankers generously supported the Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia, financing Lenin and Trotsky to organize and launch the October Revolution in Russia. This was openly acknowledged and confirmed in the West. On July 3, 1939, "Social Justice Magazine" pointed out that the Bolshevik Revolution was not as Communist Party propaganda portrayed it—a rising of oppressed proletarians against their exploiters. Instead, influential individuals in Europe and America arranged for Lenin in Switzerland and Trotsky in New York to be sent to Russia to organize the revolution. Max Warburg was the head of German intelligence at the time and a member of the prominent Hamburg banking family. Importantly, Rabbi Antelman noted that the Warburg family was a significant member of the Frankist banking group. In 1917, Max Warburg and the highest echelons of Germany arranged for Lenin to travel by train from Switzerland to Russia. European Frankist bankers gave Lenin gold worth five to six million dollars (at that time). Max Warburg played a crucial role in the Russian October Revolution. Lenin was widely known as a German spy in the West. Max Warburg's younger brother, Felix Warburg, was a senior partner at Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Felix Warburg's father-in-law, Jacob Schiff, lived in Frankfurt, Germany, for generations and was an important member of the Frankist banking group. The Schiff family had jointly owned a small company with the Rothschild family since the 18th century. Jacob Schiff moved to the United States in the 1860s and became a senior partner at Kuhn, Loeb & Co. In 1916, Jacob Schiff and his son-in-law Felix Warburg, along with other Frankist bankers, planned to overthrow the Russian Tsar and promote Bolshevik communism. In the spring of 1917, Jacob Schiff financially supported Trotsky's implementation of the second stage of the revolutionary plan. At that time, Trotsky, along with 275 well-trained revolutionaries and other adventurers, sailed from New York to Europe to join the revolution. On April 3, 1917, when the ship docked in Canada, Canadian border police arrested Trotsky and others on the grounds that he was going to Russia to overthrow the government. Canadian police found ten thousand dollars in activity funds given to Trotsky by Germany. Five days later, due to intervention from the upper echelons of Britain and the United States, the Canadian government released Trotsky and his companions. After Trotsky arrived in Russia, along with Lenin, they used the massive funds provided by European and American Frankist bankers to carry out the so-called "October Revolution." In December 1917, Trotsky told his revolutionary comrades: "We must turn Russia into a wasteland inhabited by white (opposite of 'black') ghosts, an unimaginable tyranny." As the Bolsheviks ruthlessly looted and massacred Russian civilians, turning them into "white ghosts," the leaders of the revolution became immensely wealthy. They secretly transported the looted gold abroad, storing it in their private accounts in foreign banks. For example, Trotsky had eighty million dollars deposited in two American bank accounts and ninety million Swiss francs in a Swiss bank (at that time). In just one year, Lenin transferred seventy-five million Swiss francs to his Swiss bank account in 1920. In March 1923, the British "The Guardian" referred to the Bolsheviks as the "Yellow Devil Party" (referring to the color of gold). Churchill said on April 11, 1919: "Of all the tyrannies in history, the Bolshevik tyranny is the worst and the most shameful." After Lenin's Death, Stalin Takes Control After Lenin's death, Stalin seized power and purged most of the members of the Soviet Communist Party's Politburo. One of his objectives was to confiscate their private funds. Stalin threatened Lenin's widow, coercing her to reveal Lenin's secret bank accounts. Stalin warned that if she refused, he would portray her as Lenin's mistress rather than his wife. Faced with this threat, Lenin's widow had no choice but to comply. Stalin's daughter later sought refuge in the West, claiming that her father, Stalin, seemed possessed by numerous devils. Looking at the current officials in the Chinese Communist Party, who steadfastly refuse to disclose their assets, one can understand the true reasons behind such secrecy. After the exposure of Bo Xilai's coup plot, it was discovered that he and his wife had already transferred $6 billion in assets to countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and France. Of course, there are many other corrupt officials in the Chinese Communist Party. The Jiang Zemin family is dubbed the number one greedy family in China. Borrowing the words of The Guardian, the Chinese Communist Party is the "Yellow Devil Party" and the "Green Devil Party" (referring to the green color of the U.S. dollar). Frankist Bankers Who Sponsored the Bolsheviks Reaped Massive Rewards The Frankist bankers who supported the Bolsheviks received enormous returns. For example, from 1918 to 1922, a total of six billion rubles' worth of gold was shipped to the United States. The New York Times reported on August 23, 1921, that the Kuhn, Loeb & Co. branch in Germany received a return of $102,290,000 from the Bolsheviks in the first half of 1921. Trotsky was also a German spy. People say Lenin was the brain behind the revolution, and Trotsky was the soul. In 1940, Trotsky was assassinated by Stalin. Certainly, Lenin and Trotsky were tools of the Frankist International Banking Consortium. Another reason was that Germany used the Bolsheviks to weaken Russia because Western elites and intelligence agencies knew about the communist slave system implemented by the Jesuits in Uruguay. In 1949, Jacob Schiff's grandson, John Schiff, told a New York magazine that his grandfather had funded the Bolsheviks with a massive sum of twenty million dollars (at that time). Jacob Schiff himself publicly acknowledged that his money ensured the success of the Bolshevik revolution. In other words, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. invested twenty million dollars to overthrow the Tsar, gaining over one hundred million dollars in return in a short period. This is also a significant reason why Frankist bankers supported communist revolutions: backing a communist revolution to overthrow a country's government can lead to enormous wealth. As for the lives and deaths of ordinary people, they simply do not care. [link] [comments] |
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